Here you will find many details about the troop and it operates. Whether you are a prospective scout or parent or an existing member of the troop, this is an ideal place for you to be.
We meet from 7:15-8:15pm on Monday nights all year long.
Where we meet
Monthly Outings
Each month the troop goes on an outing. Typically for these we leave on Friday evening and return on Sunday. These are usually camps, adventures such as skiing, mountain biking, sailing or climbing
Summer Camp
Troop 249 attends a week-long summer camp each year alternating between Grimes Scout Camp and other councils in the South-East.
High Adventure
In addition to the adventures each month, Troop 249 enjoys planning a High Adventure trip. Each 4 years, the troop traditionally goes to one of the Boy Scouts of America High Adventure Bases such as the Sea base in Florida.
Our Leaders
These are the volunteers that keep the Troop going.
Michael Kinman
Scoutmaster, Troop 249B
Brian Malec
Assistant Scoutmaster
Andy Madewell
Scoutmaster, Troop 249G
Richard Prentiss
Assistant Scoutmaster
Barry O’Reilly
Assistant Scoutmaster
Hector Soberon
Assistant Scoutmaster
Committee Members
These are the volunteers that keep the Troop going.
Tara Kinman
Committee Chairman
Tara Diggs
Yuliya Powell
Noelle Sproul
Jason Cole
Christy Purvis