- Scouting For Food: Will pick up food on 2/6 and bring to SCAA. Need to coordinate with Zone Captains to ensure all zones are covered for those who distributed hangers who won’t be available for pick-up. Food will be placed into trucks without being sorted before being delivered to Loaves & Fishes. We have the opportunity to take two groups of scouts to L&F to assist with moving/sorting food on Feb. 20th at 9-11 and 11-1 (2 adults and 8 scouts per time slot)
- Sea Base: need to conduct a meeting in March for all planning to go to SB. Need to create a SB committee to facilitate timeline and sort out travel, activities, qualifications, etc.
- PLC on 2/3 will be remote as are all February meetings. March PLC and meetings are planned to be in-person.
- Fundraising:
- Looking for a fundraising chairperson to set up monthly “Spirit Nights” at Which Wich, MOD Pizza, Chipolte, etc.
- Camp Cards: $10 per card: $5 to council; $4 to scout accounts; $1 to troop. There is also an option to order cards online and have cards sent directly to purchasers.
- Tara K will receive an undetermined donation from Belk. Andy and Michael to provide her with pricing options for gear that is needed.
- Jason Cole looked into fundraising with Krispy Kreme. Three is a Digital Dozen option where sales are conducted online and purchasers receive a digital coupon for their donuts. Need to sell a min. of 25 dozen. Will consider after camp cards.
- Recharter dues ($80) are due in Feb.; Scout leaders need to complete Youth Protection Training
- Troop Activity Payment Options:
- Still working on getting PayPal, including fee, set up on troop website
- Jen will be at SCAA on 2/6 during SFF to accept payments; will also work w/parents to have payments dropped off at her house (need to coordinate w/her in advance)
- Recruiting for Girls Troop: let Andy know if there are any girls interested in joining the troop. Will actively recruit after summer camp.
- Will begin conducting Zoom MB classes on nights other than Wednesdays. The first MB class will be Camping, followed by Communications. Goal is to offer classes for Eagle required MBs.
- Upcoming events/outings:
- 2/6: Scouting for Food collection from 10:00 to 12:00
- 2/10: Meeting with AOL scouts and their parents to introduce them to the troop and discuss crossover
- 2/20: Monthly Event (poss. Loaves & Fishes, building a fire pit at SCAA or a hike)
- 3/2: Committee Meeting
- 3/3: PLC
- 3/5-7: Mapping Merit Badge event (council) at Belk (available for scouts to attend; 249 not committed to attend)
- 3/10: AOL scouts to meet with troop
- 3/19-21: Crossover at Belk
- 4/9-11: Spring Camp at Grimes (available for scouts to attend; 249 not committed to attend)
- 4/17: Monthly Event (TBD)
- 5/21-23: Beaver Days at Grimes
- 7/11-17: Summer Camp at Grimes; RSVP due on 1/13; $50 deposit due by 1/27
- 7/14-25, 2022: Sea Base; $100 deposit due 2/1/2021