Topics discussed:
- PLC and troop meetings will be in-person (weather permitting) going forward. We will continue to have parents sign their scouts in when being dropped off and will continue to take temps
- PayPal is up and running on the troop website and can be used to make payments for troop dues and activities.
- Tara K. will get a used laptop from Belk that can be used by the treasurer, for updating the troop website, etc.
- Crossover (3/19-21 @ Belk):
- PLC will determine activities and menus and adults will cook meals. There are five boys and one girl crossing over.
- AOL’s will be invited to the troop meeting on 3/10
- Sea Base
- The attendee list is full and there is a waiting list
- Initial deposits have been paid to the troop
- Tara K. to conduct a meeting on a Wednesday night in March or April with scouts and parents to answer preliminary questions and possibly layout a schedule for remaining payments
- In order to schedule them more effectively, a more formal procedure, possibly including filling out an online form, will be needed going forward for scouts to request a skills review, scoutmaster conference or board of review.
- Camp Cards will be available to pick up at SCAA on 3/3 and 3/10
- Need to ask new parents to volunteer for various troop positions including treasurer and fundraising chair.
- Will conduct troop elections the Wednesday (3/24) after Crossover and OA elections the following Wednesday (3/31); potential date for JLT is 4/17
- Spring Camporee (4/9-11 @ Grimes): will discuss options for attending at PLC
- Summer Camp (7/11-19 @ Grimes): waiting for merit badge blocks to be announced from council; final two payments will be due in March and April
- After crossover, we are considering a “new patrol” for the scouts who just crossed over that will have a veteran scout as their patrol leader along with a troop guide, two intermediate patrols for current scouts through Star rank and a fourth patrol for scouts who are Life and Eagle.
- Cell phone policy: need to reinforce with scouts and parents that cell phones should not be brought to meetings unless absolutely necessary. If a scout brings their phone to a meeting, it will be collected and quarantined in the SCAA clubhouse for the duration of the meeting. If parents need to contact their scout during a meeting or want to find out when a meeting will be wrapping up, they can contact one of the leaders or parents in attendance.