Mecklenburg Council – Troop 249 – Path to Eagle

The Mecklenburg Council Advancement Committee strongly recommends any projects to be reviewed should be submitted at least six months prior to the candidate’s 18th birthday.

Troop 249 recommends that you select an Eagle Project Mentor to support you through the process.  This should be a non-parent trusted adult, preferably registered with the Troop but it must be an adult familiar with the scouting program and your scouting career.  This adult (following YPT) can provide guidance through the process.

All requirements for the Rank of Eagle must be completed before the age of 18.

Merit Badges

21 Merit Badges total, including the 14 Eagle Required

Consider this while planning what milestones you have left to complete:

  • Personal Fitness, Family Life and Personal Management have 13-week requirements.
  • Camping requires 20 camp-out nights.

If you need an Eagle-required Merit Badge, seek support from the Troop in locating a merit badge counselor.

Eagle Project

Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook

Recommend reading entire workbook before beginning process.

Mecklenburg County Scouting Eagle Advancement Page

Recommend reading Mecklenburg County Scouting Eagle Advancement Page Next; including the Project Approval Process

  • Project Proposal needs to go to Mecklenburg County Counsel for approval.
  • The Project Proposal needs to be signed by Scoutmaster, Committee Chair and Beneficiary.
  • Do not begin work, raise money or obtain materials until your project is approved.

Apache District reviews proposed Eagle projects each month from 530-630p on the 1st Thursday at St. Vincent DePaul Catholic Church.

Fundraising – if applicable

  • Get approval to the extent required
  • If crowdfunding, consider the resource below:

SAFE Project Tool Use

An at-a-glance reference for service projects. The use of tools, by any youth or adult, requires training in the proper use of those tools before a project starts. It also requires continuous, qualified adult supervision and discipline during the project. Manufacturers’ literature and age and skill restrictions shall supersede the recommendations in the publication. If there is a conflict, leaders shall follow the most restrictive guidelines. Read more

Post Project Write-up

This is a report and reflection on what you learned.  Spend some time with this.

Eagle Scout Application

  • Scoutbook will pre-complete information available from Scoutbook
  • Demonstrates completion of all requirements
  • References – five or six

See for information specific to the Mecklenburg County Requirements related to letters of references, including that envelopes must be sealed

Eagle Scout Statement of Ambition and Life Purpose

Treat this like a college essay and solicit feedback.

The Eagle Application needs to be signed by Scoutmaster and Committee Chair.
Make sure you build in time to get these signatures!

Board of Review

  • Scheduled in conjunction with Counsel after review of Eagle Scout Application; at least one member of the BOR will be from Counsel
  • Board can be completed after 18th birthday so long as complete and signed application is turned in before 18th birthday